CC Landscaping & Lawns

Landscaper & Lawn Care Services

Phone # 209-370-2096


In this new high tech age of computers it becomes increasingly easy for people to become disconnected from the comforts, joy and beauty that nature has to offer us. Whether we live in the suburbs, country or the city, we often spend too much time indoors with our eyes pasted to a computer, phone, or TV screen, completely disconnected from the natural cycle of things.

Many prefer privacy rather than going out to the public park for a little natural scenery. This is why it is so important to create a space where you can relax and reconnect with nature, and your favorite people by having some decorative landscaping done at your property. When you have a beautiful space outdoors to enjoy you will be able to spend more time outside soaking up the lovely sunshine, listen to the birds and the bees, or have a party with your loved ones. Experience some of the great benefits of landscaping and see how it can really make your outdoor spaces more enjoyable.

Gardening Tips for April

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to get out in the yard and take care of your garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, there are plenty of tasks to tackle this month. To help you make the most of April, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide inspired by the book “Gardening Month by Month in Northern California” by Bob Tanem and Don Williamson. Let’s dive into the lush world of gardening!

1. Prune Flowering Shrubs

Now is the ideal time to clean up your flowering shrubs, such as azaleas and rhododendrons. These beautiful plants grace our gardens with vibrant blooms, but they benefit from a little TLC. Don’t be afraid to trim back your azaleas to keep them compact and encourage more flowers for next year. Remember that these plants are acid-loving, so they’ll appreciate monthly feeding with acid plant food until the middle of September. As you prune, envision the lush foliage and blossoms that will soon adorn your landscape.

2. Take Cuttings for New Plants

Propagation is both magical and practical. Consider propagating new plants from your azaleas, as well as carnations, chrysanthemums, geraniums, and succulents. Taking cuttings now will give you a head start on growing healthy, vibrant plants. Imagine the joy of nurturing these tiny cuttings into robust additions to your garden. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned green thumb, the process of creating new life from existing plants is a delightful adventure.

3. Direct Sow Seeds

While starting seeds indoors has its advantages, there’s something enchanting about sowing seeds directly into the garden soil. Yes, these seeds may take longer to germinate, but the resulting plants will be hardier and better adapted to their environment. In April, consider sowing seeds for crops like corn, cosmos, dwarf dahlias, fuchsias, gladiolus, peppers, sage, string beans, sweet alyssum, tomatoes, wax leaf begonias, and zucchini. Picture the tiny seeds nestled in the earth, their potential waiting to burst forth into green shoots and vibrant blossoms.

4. Create Your Own Cutting Garden

Why not explore the possibility of growing your own cutting garden? Imagine stepping outside and gathering fresh blooms for your home. Certain marigolds have large, cheerful blooms and wonderfully fragrant flowers. Their sunny hues can brighten any room. Additionally, Dutch Iris, with their elegant petals, can be a beautiful addition to any flower arrangement. Picture yourself arranging a bouquet with blooms you’ve lovingly cultivated—a gift from your garden to your home.

5. Care for Fruit Trees

Your fruit trees deserve special attention this time of year. If they’ve finished flowering, it’s time to thin out the clusters of fruit on apples, apricots, and peaches. By doing so, you allow the remaining fruit to grow larger and sweeter. Imagine the satisfaction of biting into a juicy apple or a perfectly ripe peach, knowing you played a part in its development. Healthy application of chicken manure water will sustain the tree through the season until fall. And if peach leaf curl has affected your tree, address it promptly to keep the leaves healthy and vibrant.

6. Check Irrigation Systems

With the rainy season behind us, it’s time to inspect your watering systems. Walk through your garden, examining drip irrigation lines for cracks or leaks. Pay attention to the emitters—those tiny nozzles that deliver water to your plants. Look out for any stray overwintering insects that may have taken refuge in the system. Ensure that automatic sprinklers are in good shape and set your timer according to a landscaper’s guide. Imagine the satisfaction of knowing your garden is receiving just the right amount of water, nourishing each plant’s roots.

Remember, gardening is both rewarding and therapeutic. Enjoy the process—the feel of soil between your fingers, the scent of blooming flowers, and the promise of growth. Let your garden flourish this April, and may it bring you joy, beauty, and a sense of connection to the natural world. 🌱🌼🌿


  1. Tanem, B., & Williamson, D. (2004). Gardening Month by Month in Northern California. Lone Pine International.